We Only Truly Know Ourselves If We Know From Where We Came

We Only Truly Know Ourselves If We Know from Where We Came is a hanging aluminum panel with a buildup of matchbox sized tiles to create a fluid flow of tone and color, drawing in the viewer to feel the fluidity of art, life and the soul. It is a soft and feminine piece, exploring the gentleness of movement and shape, incorporating soft blues. It’s smoke-like shape appears to be trickling up the pristine white tiles. The tiles are all handmade, preserving the culture and artefacts of an ancient civilization, while the building of these preserved artefacts together can resemble the artist finding himself through history — his own history, the ancient world’s history and the modern world’s history. The work uses modern imagery, such as coins and pop culture, ancient imagery from different cultures, as well as some of the artist’s favorite possessions. The shape and configuration of small art pieces together to form a larger one creates a dance between the miniature and the bigger picture, a perspective of life we all move between.

Year of Creation: 2021

Materials: Porcelain tiles on aluminium

Dimensions: 505*5*810mm

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