Catherine Chevillot

Director of Musée Rodin

Director of French Culture Legacy and Curator of the Musée Rodin
Appointed Custodian of French Culture Legacy, Deputy Director of the Grenoble Art Museum, Director of the Research and Restoration of Museums Center of France

This competition seems to me really international. I was really impressed by the quality of the pieces. In the same time, we have diversity of the propositions, very different direction of research, very different plastic results. 

What is interesting is that we’re far behind only pottery or vessel. One will discover in this exhibition how diverse of proposals from ceramists and from various styles, some quite traditional, some still figurative some others very abstract. And one see to how material can be sort of challenge, permanent challenge for the creator. For some of them, one can ask how it can stand in the kiln. It is sort of “tour de force” in France to do such work. It needs great carefulness.

"Blanc de Chine" International Ceramic Art Award and "Blanc de Chine" International Artist Residency: exploring the traditional ceramic crafts of Dehua and the international contemporary ceramic art for better embracing the future.

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