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I made this projet after I meet potter in Morocco.The use of photography and ceramics, the meeting of these two mediums quickly became obvious. Linking gesture to the image, linking the passage of the body with its trace.

Talking about photography as ceramics: a long process where each step follows the other.

My wish is that these two mediums interact with each other. The moment where the picture appear in a dark room is magic.

Framing is an important part of photography. We are in front of something and decide to remove a part of it. Transposing photography on clay is adding a dimension to the shooting. Adding volume to the image.

Year of Creation: 2017

Materials: Porcelain

Dimensions: L 24 cm, W 30 cm, H 0.2 cm


    2017        Residency at La Maison des Jeunes et de la Culture,Saint-Herblain

    2016        Work with potters of Fès, Morocco

    2015        Residency avec La Soupape Aillée, Bobo Dioulasso,Burkina Faso

                    Responsible for the artistic studio of the EVASION

                    Artistic intervention for the handicapped person, Nîmes


    2017        Regard croisés, Tour Saint-Aubin, Angers

                    Onigiri, Dynasties Chine gallery, Angers

                    Bleu Fassi, Maison des jeunes et dela culture, Saint-Herblain

    2016        Work with potters of Burkina Faso, Espace d'Échange Culturels de l'EVASION, Sélestat

    2015        Ici, at Syndicat Potentiel gallery, Strasbourg

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